The road to economic recovery for Morris County begins with child care for the children of working parents.
Supporting parents helps build a strong future workforce:
- Family-friendly policies help with employee recruitment & retention
- Child care challenges impact employment, especially for mothers
- Child care challenges disproportionately impact lower-wage employees
Team Up with Child & Family Resources to Help Meet the Child Care Needs of Your Employees!

Comprehensive or Enhanced Referral and Consultation
It can be hard to find child care. Contract with Child & Family Resources to have a child care specialist conduct personalized child care searches based on employees’ needs and preferences.

Child Development Packets
Child & Family Resources has a robust library of information on a wide range of child development and behavioral topics. In addition, CFR specialists offer parenting sessions to help reduce the stress of balancing work and family and also to share strategies related to parenting challenges.

Lunch & Learns
Hold a “Lunch and Learn.” Contract with Child & Family Resources to offer a “lunch & learn” overview about child care: the new health & safety rules, questions to ask child care providers before selecting care, and information about child care subsidy for low-wage employees. Let CFR specialists help you help your employees! Information can also be disseminated through bulletin boards, newsletters, or company web sites.

Employee Assistance Programs
Providing employees with support for issues that affect their well-being can lead to increased productivity and engagement. An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a voluntary, work-based program that offers free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services to employees who have personal and/or work-related problems.
Learn more at https://www.samhsa.gov/workplace/employer-resources/provide-support

Flexible Spending Accounts
A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) is a special account where employees can set-aside up to $3,050 annually in pre-tax dollars to reimburse for health related expenses. Employers benefit from the savings associated with not being required to pay FICA or FUTA on pre-tax dollars.
Learn more at https://www.healthcare.gov/have-job-based-coverage/flexible-spending-accounts/

Working Remotely (Telecommuting)
Job flexibility increases engagement. The U.S. Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey conducted between April 26 – May 8, 2023 found that more than one-third of New Jersey parents are working either entirely remotely or in some type of hybrid manner. Gallup polling shows that highly engaged workplaces claim 41% lower absenteeism and 21% higher profitability.

Predictable Scheduling
A May 2021 Bipartisan Policy Center survey of parents with children under age 6 found that 29% of parents had 2 weeks or less advance notice of their work schedule. When parents have sufficient notice or a set schedule, it makes balancing work and family easier, including scheduling child care for times when they need it.

Multiple surveys show that workers would leave a job for one that offers a flexible schedule. Offering flexible schedules can be a recruitment and retention tool for employers as well as a strategy to increase engagement, which leads to lower absenteeism and higher profitability.
FINDING CHILD CARE CAN BE STRESSFUL FOR PARENTS – knowing what to ask, what to look for, who to trust, and how to compare options can feel overwhelming.
Child & Family Resources is Morris County’s CCR&R Agency. We are here to help you find child care. Visit cfrmorris.org/parents/finding-child-care/
Find your County’s CCR&R at https://www.childcarenj.gov/CCRR.
Low wage-earning families may be eligible for child care subsidies, which help low-income parents afford child care. Eligible families can earn up to about 200 percent of the federal poverty level and still potentially qualify for child care assistance.
*Credit to Child Care Services