Need Help Paying For Child Care?

As an applicant/parent seeking a child care subsidy, you will be required to provide proof of income, training/school hours and household size to help determine eligibility. All required documents must be submitted to be considered for a subsidy.

Applicant(s)/Parents Eligibility Requirements

Must be a New Jersey resident.
Must meet income requirements and not have assets that exceed $1 million.
Must be working full time (30 hours or more), attending school full time (12 credits or more), or in job training (at least 20 hours a week).
Depending on family size and income, may have to contribute to the cost of care (co-pay). 

Child Eligibility Requirements

Up to the age of 13, or less than age 19, if under the NJ Division of Child Protection and Permanency’s protective supervision or mentally or physically incapable of self-care.
Must be a US Citizen or qualified non-citizen.
Must reside with parent(s), or individual(s) acting as parent(s) (in loco parentis). 

Provider Eligibility Requirements

Providers must be either a licensed child care provider, a registered family child care provider, or a home or summer camp that is approved by the state.
All providers must complete numerous health and safety trainings and required criminal background checks. 

Completing and Submitting an Application
To get started, you must first complete, sign and submit an application with the required documents. Morris County Residents submit to Child & Family Resources. For more information see the Parent Handbook below:

Need Help To Pay For Child Care

Experiencing homelessness and needing child care services is a challenge. We make it easier for you to receive help paying for child care even if you don’t have all of the required documents. If you lack a fixed and adequate nighttime residence, you would meet the definition of homeless. Specifically that means living in:

  • Shared housing due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason
  • Motels, hotels, or campgrounds because you don’t have alternative accommodations
  • Emergency or transitional shelters
  • Locations not designed or intended for human sleeping, such as park benches
  • Or cars, parks, public spaces, bus or train stations, or abandoned buildings

If you are facing one of these situations and are unable to provide the necessary documents with your application, you may be eligible for up to three months of child care assistance while you complete your application. Please contact our office immediately so we can assist you.

Apply For Subsidies

Sunshine I Program
This program is for individuals impacted by a temporary or permanent disability. Parents or legal guardians may be able to gain access to affordable child care for their dependents between the ages of 6 weeks and 13 years of age. DOWNLOAD BROCHURE.

Sunshine II Program
This program is for individuals who are 60 years of age or older, frail, vulnerable or disabled and need assistance with child care for the summer. Eligible parents or legal guardians may be able gain access to summer camp services for their dependents. DOWNLOAD BROCHURE.

Work First New Jersey
If you are a participant in this program you immediately qualify for financial assistance for the child care you select.

Dedicated Vouchers
Dedicated Vouchers are “center focused”. These vouchers are designated to community child care centers to subsidize child care services for families that meet state eligibility requirements.

New Jersey Cares for Kids
This subsidy program offers eligible parents a child care subsidy which may be used towards the child care provided by ELIGIBLE PROVIDERS.

Preschool Advantage
Preschool Advantage funds quality preschool education in Morris County and surrounding communities for children of families in need. For more information contact the Preschool Advantage office at 973-532-2501 or VISIT THEIR WEBSITE.

Head Start Community Program of Morris County
Head Start provides free, comprehensive early childhood development and family services to low-income families living in Morris County. VISIT THEIR WEBSITE.

Public Preschool
Preschool programming is offered in some public school districts, funded by the State of New Jersey. Families must reside in these municipalities to participate. The child must be three or four before the cutoff date determined by the participating school district. This program includes before and after school and summer care for income eligible families. The State of New Jersey, Department of Education, Division of Early Childhood Education governs the funding of these programs. CLICK HERE to obtain more information.

Need help paying for food, shelter, or medical care? CLICK HERE to go to our Support & Resources page.